Thursday, May 19, 2011

Breaking the Rules...

   There wasn't much I can think of from our discussion in class that I can apply to my last assignment.
If I wanted to break the rules of that assignment I could have disregarded the instruction to use my book and used a sound effect of real leaves instead of the ripped out pages. But that is kind of straight forward. I am not a very political person. I tend to get extremely angry about certain topics and no one I know, not even my wife, agrees with me entirely. So as far as I am concerned my politics is my business and yours is yours.

  Another way I could have and did break the rules on the last assignment was to use the pages from my textbook to make the sounds of real leaves, fooling everyone listening into thinking they are hearing real leaves. When designing sounds and creating sound effects I prefer to use the real thing to make the sounds when possible. However, it is much more fun to "lie" to the listener and use other objects to make the sounds. I tend to laugh hysterically when I pull off a successful effect.   

    I guess I am getting old but I just can't stand soap box preaching about how screwed up the government is and how our rights are being violated. This shit has been going on since the beginning of this country and it will never stop. It is the nature of a democracy. I have more important things, TO ME, to worry about. I can't imagine politicizing my music or my sound design work or even making a documentary about a political issue. I just don't care because like we said in class, talking is good up to a point, but then you have to take action on that speech. And by action I don't mean a march on some capitol somewhere, all that does is fuck up traffic and waste the taxpayers money on extra police. You must let your own personal, daily actions do the speaking for you. Be a good citizen, vote and try to follow the law the best you can. If you don't like something write your congressman a letter. Don't make ignorant comments about burning down the capitol building. I gotta stop. I'm getting irritated.

I cannot find anything in our conversation I would include in my work.

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